HOW to find us
If you hire the venue for a one-off booking and no-one else is using the building, the forecourt at the front of the building may be used for parking. There is on street parking around the building but please check restrictions in advance.
There is a car park at Walthamstow Central station, 10 mins walk away.
There are parking restrictions on Orford Road every day up to 6.30pm. The restrictions on other roads around the building are generally Mon to Fri up to 4pm but check before you arrive.
You cannot access our building from Hoe Street between 10am and 10pm 7 days a week. Access to the front of our building is via Shernhall Street/Addison Rd/Beaulah Rd - please note, you cannot access Addison Rd between 8.30am & 9.15am AND 3pm & 4pm on school days..
There is access at the back of our building off Vestry Road for deliveries, this is a fire exit and parking is not available here. More information/map click HERE